If you're thinking about
using pills, pumps or any other product to get a bigger penis, I'm
extremely relieved that you've found my blog because not only will my
story shock you, it'll almost certainly save your health, your money as
well as a lot of time and frustration.
I will tell you exactly why
over an 8 month period I tried but was forced to give up on penis
pills, pumps and a range of other penis enlargement products (I even
considered surgery) and how I managed to permanently enlarge my penis
with a new product called 'The Penis Professor' that is build around Easy to Understand Video Exercises.
My name is Andrew Redfern,
and like so many other guys out there, I spent
months desperately
trying to enlarge my penis so I could satisfy
my girlfriend with confidence.
I never had any real issues
with my penis size at first. However, back in August 2012, after having
graduated high school, I began my new life at college. Although this
was fantastic and I was having a great time, the problem was I had just
started dating my first real
girlfriend. To be
honest, this was the
first time that I
actually had strong feelings for a girl... so I wanted to be absolutely sure
that I could satisfy her in bed.
Inevitable Started To Happen.
first time we made love
I could tell she was a little disappointed. I tried making up for my
small penis size with lots of foreplay, but it really didn't help that
My confidence slowly started to dwindle and probably due to the
constant fear of losing my girlfriend to a "bigger" guy, within a few
weeks I was loosing sleep over the thought that she
might break up with me, and that I would just have to deal with having a little
dick for the rest of my life.
After a few months the
stress eased off slightly and I actually did have the chance to start
working out and made a big effort to get myself in better shape - which
I hoped in return would make my penis get bigger. However, after hoping for
the best for a number of weeks, it became obvious that it wasn't going
to work.
that was the point when I realized I had to do something about it.
I Tried Penis
Enlargement Pills & Failed.
At the time, Extenze had
just hit the market and after speaking to one of my roommates who had
moderate success with it, I decided to give it a go.
At first it worked out
reasonably well and my penis did start to get slightly bigger - and
although I wasn't exactly
sure if it was working or just a placebo effect, at least it was a
start. And any 'start' was good!
However, after about 6 weeks of
these pills I began to feel aroused all the time... even during class. I don't
know why but even
with no medical experience at all, I recognized that my hormone's were
having some major problems. Another major issue was
I was spending too much
money on these pills. $79.99 for just one bottle was far more than I
could afford and it seemed like I was going back to the website every
two weeks to purchase more pills. I found that not only did it not work, I couldn't get my money back for the pills I already used, the "refund" was for unopened bottles only so I was out several hundred dollars for nothing! |
Then I Tried
"Penis Pumps" And Extenders
But Was Forced To Give Them Up.
The first time I tried using
a penis pump, it actually worked to make my penis bigger... although
the effects started to wear off within minutes. By the fourth day I
began to feel slight pain and discomfort from using the device and
after two weeks I experienced some bruising and even noticed tiny
splotches of blood from burst capillaries and veins starting to form on my penis.
The most worrying thing of
all was that I got a warning from my doctor and after deciding that the
pain and discomfort I was experiencing wasn't worth it compared to the
benefit the product was having on my penis size, I sent it back for a refund (they still nailed me with a hefty restock fee though!)
then tried a range of other penis enlarging devices such as the
EuroExtender (it
cost $165!).
However, after experiencing more pain and bruising within 12 days, I
soon realized that if I was actually going to get a bigger penis, this
just wasn't going to work, unless I wanted to risk damaging every blood
vessel in my penis forever.
I found something that worked...and fast.
Having spent so much time,
money and effort desperately trying to succeed with pills, pumps and
other devices that ultimately had very little effect on my penis size
became a big regret. However, the next thing I tried was a product
called "The Penis Professor".
I had never heard of it
before and because of my recent experiences, I was initially a little
dubious. But after reading some extremely complimentary reviews and
learning that the cost was cheap as hell compared to everything else I tried,
I decided to give it a try.
What seemed to be so
different with this program was that a major consideration was health
importantly, I discovered an almost unbelievably simple trick to permanently
increase the size of my penis using an
entirely natural method.
My Results with the ThePenisProfessor.com

why I
recommend it.
The reason why I recommend
The Penis Professor is because I followed the exercise routines for a matter
of weeks and the results were MASSIVE.
Although it did take me a
few weeks longer to fully enlarge my penis than I had originally hoped,
I did start to see noticeable improvements in both length and girth within the first 7 days,
which I'm sure you'll agree is pretty astonishing. By the 8th week I was almost at
the stage where I can actually brag about the size of my penis!
In my opinion, The Penis Professor is the safest, fastest and most effective penis enlargement program available. Obviously every guy is different, but it has worked extremely well for me. You simply do penis exercises for 6 to 45 minutes a day, depending on if your after length, grith, both or other!
They tell you what to do. You do it - and your penis starts to get bigger. What could be simpler? And the results are permanent, so you can eventually stop doing the exercises and enjoy the benefits for life!
Another cool thing about this program are the high quality video lessons. Along with their HUGE variety of penis enlargement exercises, they also provide bonus guides for correcting other male issues like premature ejaculation, penis curvature and other forms of erectile dysfunction.
Anyway, I hope you've found
this information useful whatever your situation because if I had known
about The Penis Professor
a few years back, I would have started doing penis exercises long ago
without wasting my time and money on pills and pumps.
wish you all the
greatest success!
Andrew J Redfern